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Scott Fairchild


The President shall be the Chief Officer of the Association and shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors
and the General Membership.
• Appoint, with Board approval, the Chairperson of any Appointive Committee, a Parliamentarian and the
Chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
• Present an annual report of Board activities to the Membership.
• Serve, ex officio, as member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
• Signs legal documents with the Secretary and checks with Treasurer (or in the Treasurer’s absence with the VP or Secretary)

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Rob Coker

Vice President

The Vice President shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President. The Communications Director is responsible for:

• Handling all Communications on behalf of the Association to the residents

• Communications Director is responsible for Electronic and Social Media Account Management, Publication of the Newsletter and other Mailings

• Handles all Presidential duties in the absence of the President

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Ken Baldwin


Records and maintains Minutes of the Board, Membership and Special Meetings.
• Keeps the records of the Association, including the minutes of Committee meetings, Members of the Association
(excluding financial records)
• Keeps the Corporate Seal of the Association and affixes it on all papers requiring said seal
• Signs legal documents with the President and in the absence of the Treasurer and President, signs checks​
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Andy Patel


The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Association and is responsible for the collection and disbursement of funds and for
the financial records of the Association.
• Signs checks with the President or, in the President’s absence, with the Secretary or Vice President
• Maintains the HOA Budget and works with our Accounting partner and bookkeeper to balance all accounts
• Presents a monthly financial report to the Board and to the Membership at each of the Homeowner Association General
Membership Meetings
• Serves as Chairperson of the Finance Committee

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Sandra Bollig

Member at Large 1

Oversees ARC requests, regulating the external design, appearance, use, location, maintenance and improvements for all property in the Villages at Godley Station HOA. 

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Matt Valvano

Member at Large 2/Covenants

• Community liaison and voice for the HOA; attends City Council meetings and reports back to the HOA Board and the Community. Presents the views of the HOA if the Board feels it will impact our neighborhood.


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David Lotz

Member at Large 3

•  Manages the community's Covenants, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations documents and develops and implements a systematic approach to ensure equity with enforcing them.


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Hollie Barnidge

Communications manager

• Maintains HOA social media accounts, community forum, and updates website

• Writes, edits, designs and handles photography for monthly community newsletter

• Writes, designs and disseminates regular e-blasts and email marketing communication on behalf of the board

• Plans, organizes and staffs all community special events, in conjunction with the activities committee

• Updates the neighborhood sign boards in The Arbors and Copper Village

• Graphic design tasks as needed, such as event flyers, clubhouse signs, logos, etc.

• Produces monthly analytics reports to evaluate social media and website traffic, content needs, and platform effectiveness; presents to board during monthly meeting

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